Prafull billore (MBA CHAI WALA)
Prafull billore is an Indian young entrepreneur. He built his tea shop, And he got success. He is inspiration for many people. He is also multi-million entrepreneur .the word MBA means Mr.billore Ahmedabad.he is a motivator on YouTube platform. MBA CHAI WALA is most famous tea shop in India. His management skill led him to become multimillionare. He also tells in his story that he was at Bangalore but he didn't have much money to live their but his mind was very sharp. He made friends their and lived for days, with no money. His story is very inspiring. Instead of doing any job he did what he wanted. He has more than 40 outlets in India . He is a Gujrati business man. He started from a small stall ,but it turned into shop with outlet all over the india.
I am also inspired from his life, because it is very crucial to take decent job instead we get good paying job. He is inspiration for youth of India.
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